Author Topic: Should I avoid using Rocket Mortars? | Mech Arena  (Read 7 times)

Ageon Mystmir

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Should I avoid using Rocket Mortars? | Mech Arena
« on: September 21, 2024, 06:00:52 AM »
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  • Definitely! yes, Rocket Mortars are not for cowards but they are not killersome unless you invest in implants and weapons. You need as well to have double arms to cover 2 different squares on the map by random which leaves you very vulnerable and in order to avoid being killed, you play with clans to abuse the potent of Rocket Mortars by covering more than 2 squares for each arm of a Mech. Assuming that you have actually gained something from playing matches with clans while abusing the power of mortars, will that really let you advance always? No, you will not. You will just provoke matchmaking system to give more deadly bots, stronger players and the worst of it all having the developers increasing matchmaking system difficulty because you are able to exploit their system by having the bots killed while they are out of your reach. Now you understand why Rocket Mortars can't be used often.

    Do you wish to use mortars really the effective way? Here is a tip. A single arm is enough especially only for you. You can't have team-mates stealing your kills with their rocket mortars. It is better when you are joining by random and solo to use a single arm while the second arm is your protector like missile rack. Get close enough by your Mech's body to the target in a horizontal lane and mortar bombs will be inescapable plus the precision provided by implants makes you all more powerful to dominate that very square of the map. One arm of rocket mortars is more than enough so you won't be vulnerable while using mortars.

    The comparison between Double Arm Rocket Mortars and Single Arm Rocket Mortar should be like the following:

    Double Arm Rocket Mortars:


    You will not lose the match

    You will play with your team-mates


    You are always vulnerable to other teams.

    You lose the score and kills because of team-mates.

    You provoke matchmaking system to bring the worst getup of bots

    You force developers to increase matchmaking system difficulty

    You will cause social hatred against you and your reputation for unfair match.

    Single Arm Rocket Mortar:


    You will never be vulnerable to other teams.

    You will have all your scores and kills.

    You will have matchmaking system tolerant enough.

    You will be respected for fair match.


    You will have 50% of win rate in a match.

    You will play solo.

    The conclusion: A single arm of Rocket Mortar is tolerable and effective for random matches without teaming-up. It is all in fairness when the opponent and you can clash together without losing a single possible score of your matches.
