Author Topic: Army of Rynlar &  (Read 321 times)

Ageon Mystmir

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Army of Rynlar &
« on: March 29, 2023, 04:11:37 PM »
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  • What is bully ? a group of female players who hold grudge or got paid by real money so they can bully male players. They have started their movement and instigated all other female players to hunt other players online. They commit cyber bully under under appealing propaganda of victimized females. They stated it in many videos and articles. The bully hunters have claimed that they don't care about bully when they are reaching to the degree of issuing anti bully movement program and they invite anonymous users to register on their website. However, they proclaim be victims  like any other innocent users meanwhile BullyHunter seemed to be scam and fraud subject to withdraw attention to one organization to increase their traffic but they have failed miserably. It is intolerable to exploit females to their propaganda and declare a fake number of females being victimized just to lead them a war of conflict in MMO games. It seems fps game was their first game. However, they are down for good. Now there are new set people are falling victim to new group with the same conspiracy and most probably they have been oriented from under name Army of Rynlar and leader is called Rynlar. The best part of all of this, they might be subhumans reside in the U.S who are actually part underground organizations. They use saint catchphrases and they proclaim of being the keepers of peace and they will be the ones who will organize their community into better behaving society. Meanwhile, they have been leaking people's privacy, steal their discord IDs and store it in their database. They exploit teens as group among their rankings called troll hunters. They chase everyone, exploit game systems and slander every human-being. They want to turn any small content creators, infamous players and small network into their life project which Army of Rynlar. All those who are victims and tried to defend themselves with All their efforts will remain useless against their own fraud armada of terrorism and facade community line that doesn't encourage entertainment but torture. It will be useful for future generations to come and read the whole idea and root of bully hunters including Army of Rynlar from this article to avoid any possible inconvenience.

    Army Of Rynlar behaviors are like the following:

    #They show up out of nowhere as squadron to blackmail you and force you to their propaganda. You only have 2 choices.

    1-Obey and join with a guarantee for as long as you are their member, you won't be harmed which isn't true because they are more likely will haunt you for single mockery you commit so imagine if you say you are the best at gaming, it is just bad for them to stomach and they will haunt you. Not likely it will slip away for them. Any mockery they deem it as taunt and entitle it to their advantage as troll so they can allow their troll hunters to give you the chase.

    2-Defy their propaganda and they will get your username/nickname/media profile exposed to their media streams whether in-game or social networks such as Facebook. You can't be careful by having the same names or related ones that you use in-game and on Facebook, they will still give you the chase regardless. They aren't only limited to that, they can reach anywhere and everywhere in whatever game and whatever place to dodge them at. They always intimidate you, they will terrify you with threats like "we watch you everywhere" or "we see you"  which will definitely cause child a trauma and unpleasant gaming experience to any gamer in general. They flock off from the vision and list you in their roaster list if they can't handle you with the current or present members they used to chase you. To summarize it is easy to imagine how similar the name of TrollHunters to BullyHunters. They always lie to their community about their causes of chasing their victims. They claim that it is biased on ban and violations issue but they don't mention how they have resolved that issue. In what way it took to settle the matters. They simply have used anonymous names unrelated to their discord names for their entertainment to chase the victims.

    Image of their deleted history chat to hide their conspiracy

    Here is how Lordia's Lords will behave in shadows to expose the frauds to the authorities.

    The roster he uses to haunt the innocent players and kids to defame them and cause them to be hated across his network
    « Last Edit: January 19, 2024, 09:07:48 AM by Ageon Mystmir »
