05:04, 3 December 2020 Perfect World Northern Realms (hist) [6 bytes] AdminLight(Talk | contribs)(Created page with '=Geographical:= Morai: the place where you get most of PVE content. World Map: The General Virtual Geographical Place for All home and default cities from all races. =Quest:= …')
16:45, 20 July 2020 Heroes Article (hist) [14,796 bytes] AdminLight(Talk | contribs)(Created page with ''''Heroes Article Guide''' 1. Introduction *How to unlock the system *User interface integration *First time collection vs. second time collection *A List of all Heroes Ar…')
16:29, 20 July 2020 Class Change (hist) [2,887 bytes] AdminLight(Talk | contribs)(Created page with '<strong>First Class Change - Introduction</strong> Upon reaching level 20, every character can change their class once again to gain a new appearance, class name, and an additio…')
16:26, 20 July 2020 Issues And Prevention (hist) [973 bytes] AdminLight(Talk | contribs)(Created page with 'Prevent quest sequence and series break: You must complete each quest-line per city correctly with their priorities otherwise you might bug your character’s quest line and you…')
16:10, 20 July 2020 Currencies (hist) [2,386 bytes] AdminLight(Talk | contribs)(Created page with 'leftMystic Stone Shards It is the currency which is known by crystals, you can grind it from exploration dungeons once you have killed the bo…')
03:14, 20 July 2020 Systems (hist) [2,391 bytes] AdminLight(Talk | contribs)(Created page with '==Interface and Items Guide:== <gallery orientation="square" columns="1" position="center"> game_interface.png game_itemguide.png game_itemguide1.png game_itemguide2.png game_ite…')
13:44, 19 July 2020 Titles (hist) [10,919 bytes] AdminLight(Talk | contribs)(Created page with ' Definitions: {| border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" style="width:500px;" class="article-table" |+Definitions of effects |- ! scope="col"|Names ! scope="col"|Defintio…')
17:22, 11 July 2020 Skills (hist) [6,934 bytes] AdminLight(Talk | contribs)(Created page with '==Thief Skills== ACTIVE SKILLS: …')