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Prominence Leverage

This prominence deems as reference to fame influence to target the foes or nemeses 
for sake of self-approval or to decrease their number as in advertising and 
sabotage terms.
In this scenario you are flagged as foe or nemeses to play the role of punch bag so 
you pretty much can’t defend yourself nor use any kind of power terms to help 
yourself due to their advantage over fame and influence so they bring you down 
straight forward without any kind of announcement or warning if you are somehow 
have triggered their intent and thirst of sabotage they won’t be convoyed by any 
alternatives and they will keep humiliating you or spreading rumor about you 
whether you beg for it or not unless you have offered what satisfy their interest in you.
This kind of situation leads to complete frustration to your mentality and total 
mess for reputation which doesn’t help you to make any good contacts even your 
reputation won’t have the same quality any longer if you show any kind of counters 
you will be exposed and rumored to be a complete sinister even further than before 
and they may use your disadvantage of power gap to dominate your lifeline.

Torturing methods:

1) Bully with social layers, numbers and influence. 
2) Complete seal of countering them back and assuming false truth for delusion and 
conspiracy to prevent you from self-defense.
3) Personal and related information complete will leak under your title of popularity.
4) Blackmailing you to the point of their self-satisfaction and joy over torturing you that 
may include their incoherent laughter and spring a total humiliation.


You will need to prevent yourself from using any social layers or reputation you have ever been 
known with as early as possible and only temporarily so you won’t give them a chance
to increase their exposure of your information and don’t share any of your personal 
information to your known contacts they may be in communication with them and they 
may be the source of leakage so you will need to report all authorities on all 
boarders without exception even unrelated ones and show what evidences you 
have collected about them firmly and truthfully even if it takes to involve 
government via cybercrime sections for it as long as you are pure victim without 
single involvement then government and authorities even your community will reside with you.
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