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The leader of all operations.
Who rules the lords.
Who posses everything.

Definitions & References

A) Gaming Formations is a definition of whatever coop formation you play in game or being part of it

ex: Guild or clan or alliance or kingdom or house etc..

B) Asset is a reference to your belongings such as the model or character or item or whole account's attachment

C) Platform is a reference to all games to all different categories and all different types ex:

Game:Soul Hunter
Category: RPG, RTS
Type: Android

D) Retirement is a reference of resigning/firing member out of nation network. E) Network is a reference of the network of all military formations on all different platforms.


1. No Declarations or threats or terms of nudity on any platform.
2. Every resident must greet each other whether they are new or old with respect and morality.
3. Represent the network especially on public channels for as long as you are a Lord.
4. Only serve the purposes and focus on objective of game play.
5. Don't treat externals as inferiors, even if they aren't in our network.
6. Support our residents as long as you have been assigned for such duties otherwise demotion will be committed.
7. Don't cling into idolizing higher-ups, it will get you retired.
8. Lords must attend all events unless they can send their report to responsible authorities for inactivity occurrence.
9. Always report any harassment or drastic to our network and responsible staff of the said platform.
10. Take your position in our network very seriously as if you serve a country so your role in whatever you are assigned for.
11. Higher-ups must be aware of their duty and any absence leads to demotion if it follows by long term then retirement.
12. Regulations are absolute & any insubordination treated with demotion on 1st attempt but the 2nd treated with retirement.
13. As Lord you must have respectable name and you must join our rxlrealms’s platform or one of their communities.
14. Any inactivity is permissible after daily duties and daily login on whatever platform.
15. Deserting our network is the treachery in itself not only to authority but to all residents, it is treated absolute ban.
16. Falling from Lordia's graces will make you avoided and never approached by any resident again.
17. If any resident approaches the deserter or danger potentials, they will be retired from our network.
18. Only what is available in Lordia's quarters can be shared with Lords.
19. PVE must be priority to grasp PVP in any game’s platform.
20. Each game platform must be followed with it is lore.
21. If you wish to suggest or share your expertise, you must become the mentor after validation of RXL-Realms Familia.
22. Always make criticism on public channels as constructive as possible in their proper complaint place.
23. Lordia can’t form alliance except with authorized gaming formation by Lords of Lordia.
24. No alternative accounts are accepted in Lordia network. 
25. You must play with your gender via avatars in games otherwise you cause confusion and inconvenience.
26. Do not involve personal affairs or in-game affairs like marriage or ceremonies with Lordia unless you are a Lord.
27. Residents with achievements and merits will become Lords.
28. Any resident who decides to leave and to return will have 1 time of life time of returnee before they get banned.
29. Residents that are disposed without deserting nation in first place will never be listed in our deserting roaster list  
30. Residents with lies or occupations or temptations that cause Lordia a great loss will be retired on the sight.
31. Any swearing and intimidation during voice chat in voice channels will be treated with the appropriate penalty.
32. Lords are allowed to form more gaming formations to cover any lacking numbers in the main one in any game.
33. Promotion must not be enforced or spammed to any resident.
34. The post must be updated for as long as the social media has been changed or updated to avoid deletion of promotion.
35. Higher-up must be allowed as in moderation of your gaming formation or social media you posses. 

NOTE! All these rules must be complied by all kinds of rankings, positions and authorities except for RXL-Familia. All of this must be applicable to you otherwise your defiance is deemed with retirement in day one if more then consider yourself lucky for not being executed.

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